This Saturday was an exciting experience for me, as my Dad took me to a group called Bengali Literary Resource Centre (BLRC) where the poet, Adom Sol was presenting. The event took place at Albert Campbell Public Library in Toronto. It began as an interview, conducted by Tasmina Hayat Khan, Suity and Merilyn. Tasmina introduced the program itself, Suity provided some background about Adam Sol and Merilyn conducted the actual interview.



A variety of questions were posed to Adam, beginning with his experience in the publishing field. One thing that he mentioned that left me intrigued, was that he received 50 rejection letters, all of which he pasted onto his walls. As an aspiring author myself, I was left rather shocked by this, but also very impressed. Sol’s ability to use his rejection letters as a driving force that allowed him to write some of his best work is a model to all writers, old and young. Later on as the interview continued, Merilyn asked Adam Sol to recite a piece from his book, Complicity. The poem which he recited was titled Engagement. The poem was centered on war, and the idea of definitions as well as the phenomenon of Pluto. I found the poem to be eloquent and inclusive of ideas and perceptions that all melted away based on the reader’s understanding. The best sort of poetry, in my eyes. The entire experience in itself was thoroughly enjoyable as everyone involved got the chance to be immersed in an inquisitive and knowledgeable environment as well as got the chance to interact with a published author, who was more than willing to share his advice and experiences. Thank you Subrata Kumar Das uncle, the Executive Director of BLRC for inviting us to this interesting event. Iam very excited to attend the next month’s meeting with a new writer!

আপনার প্রতিক্রিয়া ব্যক্ত করুন

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন
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